Switch on Your Natural Fat Burning Machine
If you want to drop some pounds or hold off the middle-age spread, there are easy ways to
help your body burn fat. Simple lifestyle changes can transform your body into a fat burning
machine. Speed up your metabolism by adjusting the way you eat, exercise and
even sleep.
Eating to Burn Fat
1. Consume fewer calories. Weight gain is usually caused by eating more calories than
you burn. You’ll save yourself a lot of money and frustration by accepting this simple
truth. Your metabolism naturally slows down with age so over time you need to eat less and exercise more to avoid storing fat.
2. Eat breakfast. You can still enjoy a hearty breakfast. Your metabolism slows down
while you sleep so get it going again with a healthy feast. Oatmeal with cinnamon or
fruit yogurt and granola are both excellent breakfast choices.
3. Eat frequently. Eating often also speeds up your metabolism. Replace the usual
3 big meals per day with 4 or 5 smaller meals and snacks. Enjoy whole grains, fruits
and vegetables, and lean proteins. As an added benefit, you’ll feel full much of the
time so it’s easier to resist junk food.
4. Drink alcohol in moderation. Alcohol is a depressant that slows down your central
nervous system. You can still drink a glass of wine with dinner if you balance it out
with lots of water. Water aids digestion and gives your metabolism another modest
expensive fat loss supplements. Many of these products produce no significant effects
or contain caffeine that can make you jittery. Supplement claims are not evaluated by
the FDA, so be careful and let your physician know about any supplements you take.
Exercising to Burn Fat
1. Build up your muscle mass. Even seniors can increase their muscle mass with
weight training. It’s worthwhile because a pound of muscle burns more calories than a
pound of fat. If you’re new to weight training, start off gradually to avoid injury.

• If you prefer other activities, you can get similar benefits from movements that use your
own bodyweight for resistance like push-ups, crunches, and Pilates.
2. Vary your routine. Your body adapts to any familiar activity so you use up fewer
calories over time. Cross training will stimulate your body’s metabolism. Get off
the treadmill and take a dance class from time to time.
3. Do interval training. Interval training is another proven strategy for burning more
fat. Break up your morning jog with a few sprints. Jump rope for a couple of
minutes during low-impact aerobics. This way you train both your aerobic and
anaerobic energy systems so you lose more calories from fat.
Other Lifestyle Tips For Burning Fat
1. Sleep in a cool room. Get a full night’s sleep in a cool room. Your body processes
calories more efficiently when it gets 6 to 8 hours of slumber. Studies show that room
temperatures of about 60 to 65 degrees can help you fall asleep faster and burn more
calories per hour.
2. Start fidgeting. On average, people who fidget are thinner than those who don’t. As
long as you’re not distracting others, swing your leg and shift around. Even better, get
up during TV commercials to do some lunges and take the stairs whenever
you can.
3. See your doctor. If you need more help, talk with your doctor. Testing and treatment
is available for many conditions that make it harder to lose weight such as
hypothyroidism. Your doctor can also advise you on dieting and exercising safely.
Daily activities can trigger your body to burn fat more effectively.
Hi Sherri – This post is greatness! It contains a lot of information that is a nice reminder for me but a lot of new information that is valuable. For example, becoming a fidgeter. Who would have thunk? Your tips are extremely important as I’m getting to the age where it my metabolism has slowed down and it is easier to put on extra weight. Thank you very much for your commitment to overall health!
Hi Sherri,
Can only say how right you are in all of this!
I was talking with my physiotherapist this morning and we were discussing how we tend to take either better care of our bodies as we age or less care… I go with the first option!
When we’re young, we’re invulnerable! As we age though, our body tends to talk to our brain in letting it know that we can’t do the same things as we did when we were younger – time to take care of that body!
Love these tips on burning fat and staying healthy! It’s so true that simple changes can make a big difference. I’m rubbish at eating breakfast if I’m honest but when I do, I do eat healthily! Also, the idea of fidgeting is such a fun reminder to keep moving throughout the day. Who knew staying active could be as easy as wiggling in your seat? Keep the awesome advice coming; I always look forward to your posts!