What is Health?

As I sit here and watch my husband completing a session of Pulmonary rehab, I had this question pop into my head.

Today is session 23 of the required 28 sessions of Pulmonary rehab. He has Interstitial Pulmonary Fribrosis, and we are waiting to be placed on the Lung Transplant List. Our hope is to be placed on this list within the next 2 weeks.

But today as I sit in the waiting room, I realize there are a lot of others that are struggling with some form of lung disease, and this got me thinking.

What is Health?

The word health refers to a state of complete emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Healthcare exists to help people stay well in these key areas of life.

What is the definition of healthy?

Someone who is well and strong and not often ill.

There are many ways to get and stay healthy. The most important ones are following a balanced diet, being physically active and drink plenty of liquids.

Sometimes our best efforts to get and stay healthy can be sidelined by a disease. Then it becomes harder to stay healthy, but it is possible.

What is a healthy weight?

It’s pretty easy to figure out if you are in the estimated healthy weight range. You can use two simple tools. The first is called body mass index (BMI).You can easily find your BMI using the BMI calculator on the CDC Website. Obesity in adults is defined as having a BMI of 30.0 or above. The other ranges are:

  • Overweight = 25.0 to 29.9
  • Normal weight = 18.5 to 24.9
  • Underweight = under 18.5

BMI is a common tool to give you some idea of where you are. But it doesn’t measure body fat. It’s not meant to give a diagnosis or tell you for sure that you have a weight problem.

It can be off when someone is very muscular or has lost muscle mass. For example, muscular people might have a high BMI without being obese. And BMI can underestimate fat in older people and others who have lost muscle. It also doesn’t determine where excess body fat is distributed.

How do we stay healthy?

Staying healthy can and possible will be different for each individual. What works for one person may not work as well for another.

The most important factor of getting and staying healthy is eating a healthy diet and some form of physical activity several times a week.

The required calories needed to lose, gain or keep the same weight will be different for each individual. What remains the same will be the required physical activity.

There are so many activities one can do to be active. Walking, jogging, cycling, pickleball (this one I have been wanting to try myself!), golfing, swimming, weightlifting, soccer and many others.

We may take for granted that as a healthy individual, we GET to do these activities. Our body allows it.

But what happens when our body is restricted, we can’t breathe, or we cannot move as well. Maybe there are mobility issues, maybe there are breathing issues.

Then it becomes more difficult to get and stay healthy. Is it possible? Yes. But you must have the right mindset to achieve these things as it will be more difficult. Believe You Can Do It, and you will!

Are you eating healthy every day, are you staiyng physically active multiple times a week?

Let me know in the comment as I would love to hear from you.

Till next time,


You can visit my previous post here.

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5 thoughts on “What is Health”
  1. Happy to hear your husband got on the lung transplant list! That is excellent news!

    I do walk everyday and sometimes walk at night when all my work chores are completed for the day. I have a squat machine I use every day or other day, and a street strider I must start using, again. I found sitting for hours everyday was counterproductive for my health, so now I get up and move every hour.
    Keep us posted on your journey! Let us know how your husband is getting along.

  2. Hey Sherri! I wish you and your husband the best! I am on a journey to improve my health. I have a very sedentary lifestyle. I am starting to walk, do pilates, stretch, and move more. It’s not easy because I’m not fit. It’s very unpleasant, actually. But I know I must do it, or my fitness level will only worsen. I hope sooner than later it will become easier. I am grateful for what I’m able to do. I think as long as I’m healthy enough to get healthier, I better take advantage of it, or I’ll lose that. Again, best hopes for you two!

  3. Sherri, thanks for your thoughts on staying healthy. After all, we can’t be running a healthy online business without maintaining our own health.

    I try to stay on track, but quite often we seem to be stocked up on cookies, ice cream and other unhealthy indulgences. Still – the Mediterranean diet is what I strive for in my eating habits. And back when I had a trainer, I was working out three times a week. But this summer I’m lucky to get one workout in per week. And I insist on a daily walk around the neighbourhood.

  4. Sherri, Thanks for your post on What is Health. I find it hard to eat very healthy, and I know I don’t eat till late which isn’t any good. If I had to take a health test I’m sure I would probably fail. I just keep trying to improve everyday in any little way I can. Best of Hopes for you and your husband!

  5. Hi Sherri,

    Thank you for sharing such a personal and insightful post. Your reflection on health, especially in the face of challenges like lung disease, is truly inspiring. You’re right, health involves not just physical, but also emotional and mental well-being. Adapting and maintaining a positive mindset are key, even when circumstances are tough.

    I’m glad to hear that your husband got on the lung transplant list. I wish you both the best of luck on this journey. Thanks for encouraging us to reflect on our own health practices.


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